Rainwater tanks need regular cleaning, drought or no

Have you noticed a change in the taste, smell, or colour of your drinking water? Don’t let worries about wasting water keep you from cleaning your rainwater tank. Envirovac may be able to sort you out without sacrificing its contents.

As you may know, the Auckland region is facing a water shortage due to a severe drought that took hold in 2019 and saw the city’s total water storage plummet to around 45 percent. Watercare has since been urging consumers to become “water-saving heroes,” which has some people wondering whether cleaning their tanks is a good idea, fearing it will require draining the tank and dumping the water.

While water is a precious resource, dirty drinking water is disgusting – and an even greater danger. Dirt, leaves, pollen, animal faeces, and other materials – primarily from your gutters – can fall into your tank and build up at the bottom, forming a bacteria-laden sediment, which over time then thickens into a sludge. Gross!

Consuming contaminated water is not only unpleasant to your senses but can also cause serious illness, exposing you and your family to harmful germs and parasites such as Giardia, Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, and Cryptosporidium. Letting your water tank go too long without a cleaning presents a significant health hazard, particularly for young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems. 

How often does your water tank need cleaning?

According to the Ministry of Health, tanks should be inspected annually and cleaned if necessary. Ideally, tank cleaning should be performed by professional tank-cleaning contractors. You never know what could have fallen in there and be rotting away – we had a case where we retrieved the skeleton of a dog (yes, this really happened) – and all the while, you’re drinking the water it’s been steeping in!

The good news is that if your tank has been regularly serviced as recommended, as in, within the last 12 to 14 months, Envirovac can use a vacuum-suction method to remove the sediment without emptying the tank of water. A win for you and the council water supply, it’s a bit like cleaning a swimming pool.

We access your tank through the manhole, sucking up the sediment from the bottom of the tank without having to get inside it. Generally, this takes less than an hour, water loss is minimal, and you don’t even need to be home for us to do it. Our expert team uses the latest vacuum pump designed specifically for this purpose, powerful enough to remove heavy waste that can challenge other systems. Our experienced technicians are also happy to discuss any aspect of caring for your water supply, including maintenance and problem prevention.

Bear in mind that if it’s been longer than that, we will have to drain your tank, get inside it and deep-clean it, vacuuming the sludge, cleaning the bottom and walls, then flushing it with fresh water. However, summertime is typically when your water tank level is at its lowest, and because we’ve had dry weather as expected, hopefully you won’t lose too much. Of course, you can still use your tank water for things other than drinking, bathing, and cooking, such as watering your garden or washing your car.

But don’t let your hygiene levels become so lax as to be dangerous – your health and your family’s are too important to take chances with.

Pressed for time? We can also arrange for your tank to be refilled by our water supplier partner, usually same day, ensuring minimal delay between cleaning and filling and saving you the hassle of organising it yourself.

To ensure your water is clean, fresh, and great-tasting year-round, contact Envirovac today!







5 Reasons Why a Clean Grease Trap Matters

What is a grease trap?

A grease trap, sometimes called a grease interceptor, is essentially a container that collects and filters grease and food waste from water going down the sink so that it can safely enter the sewerage system. How grease traps work may vary somewhat by type and configuration, but the end goal is always the same.

As kitchen wastewater enters the grease trap, any food solids generally sink to the bottom while fat, oil, and grease (FOG) float to the top. The cleaner water in between is pumped into a secondary tank then returned to the sewerage system so it can continue on its journey.

What you’re now left with is your first tank containing oil, grease, and fat solids, which build up over time, especially in a busy restaurant. In large volume, they can harden and cause blockages anywhere along the line, either in your plumbing or in the greater wastewater system. It’s to everyone’s benefit, then, that restaurant owners take care to have their grease traps serviced regularly.

A grease trap is designed to intercept greases and solids before they enter the wastewater disposal system. Even normal wastewater has small amounts of oil that enter the system, forming a layer of scum that gets slowly digested by microorganisms.

In a commercial kitchen, large volumes of oil, fat, and cooking grease solidify when cooled and may combine with other solid wastes, clogging your grease trap and causing drainpipe blockages. On top of that, if this congealed fat isn’t cleared away regularly, it can become foul-smelling – or even a health hazard. Not the sort of image you want for your restaurant.

Without frequent grease trap maintenance, waste material builds up, causing your sink to overflow and potentially creating serious plumbing issues. Your grease trap needs regular cleaning.

Here are 5 reasons why you need a grease trap maintenance programme:

1. Poor hygiene and off-putting odours. Like almost anything dirty, a dirty grease trap smells. And even though it’s outside, the smell will waft – particularly problematic if you have a patio. The odour of decomposing grease and food will be what customers first notice when they walk up and may even follow them in the door. Not very appetising.

On top of the very real possibility of lost business, employees will resent having to work in such an unpleasant environment as well as the seeming lack of care by their employer.

2. System-wide plumbing problems. When grease trap cleaning isn’t done regularly, it doesn’t take long before all the grease solidifies into an obstructive mass, causing plumbing issues that could affect your entire drainage system at any time, including your toilets, sinks and drains. And once they get backed up, they smell. Again, not very welcoming, hygienic, or what you’d expect from a business based around food. If you were a customer, would you come back?

3. Costly emergency repairs. When food and grease decompose, as in an uncleaned grease trap, they ferment into sulfuric acid, which is strong enough to burn anything it comes into contact with, including your grease trap. If your other plumbing is affected as well, pipes can become corroded and repairs get very expensive very quickly – particularly if it’s an emergency callout, where plumber rates are even higher. But because your business can’t afford to be out of commission, you’ll have to suck it up and eat that cost.

4. Loss of revenue. If your plumbing problems are severe enough, you may have to close temporarily while the repairs are done. You’ll lose revenue not only from customers not coming in but also stock expiring and salaried employees who continue to be paid. If your restaurant stays closed for long enough, casual employees may be forced to seek work elsewhere. Your competition will be in a position to lure staff away and win customer business you can’t fulfill.

5. Damage to the public sewage system. When dirty grease traps become overwhelmed, toxic waste, including sulfuric acid, can flow into the Auckland wastewater system. Dumping untreated wastewater is likely to attract the attention of regulatory agencies and get your restaurant fined and shut down until the problem has been remedied. And you’ll have to pay for extensive – and expensive – repair work as well! Don’t be that guy.

How does grease trap cleaning work?

To prevent blockages, overflows, and the dumping of toxic waste, accumulated FOGs must be pumped out of your grease trap and safely disposed of. To do this properly, you’ll need to contract the services of a waste management professional like Envirovac. Based in Ellerslie, we look after busy Auckland restaurants and businesses and service the Rodney district as well.

We can provide regular grease trap cleaning services using our powerful sucker truck, connected to a hose that vacuums the oils, fats, and grease out of your grease trap to keep it clean and functioning normally.

How often should your grease trap be cleaned?

As with most things, it depends. For a busy restaurant, we suggest cleaning your grease trap every two to three months for best results but are happy to take a look at your premises and make a custom recommendation. Contact Envirovac on 09 218 5884 today.

How to clear an outside blocked drain

We tend to not pay much attention to our outdoor drains. That is until something goes wrong. Often rearing its ugly head after a downpour, a blocked drain can cause significant damage to a property if not dealt with quickly. While your first instinct may be to call a professional, there are a few things you can do to quickly clear an outside drain. Before you reach for the phone, try these DIY tips for clearing an outside drain.

DIY Guide to unblocking an outside drain

  1. Determining the cause of the blockage

Outside drains tend to become blocked when overwhelmed by organic material such as dirt, leaves or other debris. Excessive rainfall can also cause drains to overflow as they may struggle to cope with the sheer volume of a large downpour.  Other issues can because of blockages in the plumbing system from things that shouldn’t be flushed blocking the pipes such as wet wipes or sanitary items. Once you have determined the cause of the blockage, you can then assemble the tools you need to remedy it.

  1. Gather your drain clearing tools

Having the right tools on hand will ensure that you can clear your outside drain before any property damage occurs.   It pays to have the following items on hand for when an outdoor drain blockage occurs.

  • Drain Rods

Drains rods are sturdy yet flexible rods that are screwed together end-to-end. Drain rods are an inexpensive tool that can be picked up relatively cheaply from your local hardware store. Drain rods are your best tool to find and remove a blockage.

  • Gloves

Clearing an outdoor drain is a messy business. Make sure you wear a pair of protective rubber gloves before you go fishing about in your drain.

  • A Bag

Keep a plastic bag nearby to store any debris that you remove from your drain. You do not want to leave this debris in your yard as it will eventually find its way back into your drain!

  • Rope

Some drain covers can be very heavy. Using a rope will allow you to wrench open your drain cover more easily.

  • Hose

Once you have cleared your blocked drain you will need a hose to flush the drain with clean water.

  1. Remove the drain cover and peek inside

All drains are different. Some drain covers can be removed easily while others require a bit more encouragement. Particularly stubborn drain covers can be removed using your rope. Simply tie it around the drain handle and give it a good pull. Once remove, glance inside the drain (a torch may be useful here). If the drain chamber is empty, the blockage will be located before the chamber. If the chamber is flooded the blockage is somewhere after the chamber.

  1. Using your drain rods

Wearing your protective rubber gloves, insert your drain rods into the drain, continually feeding the rods through until you encounter the blockage.  Once you have encountered the clog, slowly rotate the drain rods in a clockwise direction, and push them away from you. Continue pushing the rod through the blockage to breakdown any grease or debris sitting in the drain.

  1. Clean up

Once you have cleared your blockage, grab your hose, and run some fresh water through your drain. This will rinse away any remaining debris and help prevent any future blockages.

Is your outside drain still blocked? You may need to call a professional.

If your blockage is substantial, or an overflowing drain is threatening to damage property, do not hesitate to call an expert. Envirovac offer an efficient emergency drain unblocking service using the latest in tools and technology. Envirovac can quickly identify and remedy blocked outside drains and help to prevent future blockages occurring. Book your outside drain unblocking here.

How To Clear A Blocked Drain

6 handy tips to DIY your blocked drain

Clogged drains are a messy business! Most often, hair accumulates in showers to clog drains while fats and oils build up in kitchen sinks.

Follow these strategies for clearing blocked drains inside your home and allow your drain to do what it’s meant to do: Let water drain freely.


How to clear a blocked kitchen sink

The sink is the silent workhorse of the home. Washing hands, rinsing vegetables, cleaning dishes – your sinks works around the clock. It’s only when your sink stops working that you realise just how much it does!

The most likely cause of a blocked kitchen sink is a build-up of fats poured down the sink when washing dishes. Even if you use hot water and detergent, all fat will eventually congeal and harden in the pipes, and if it hasn’t travelled further into the wastewater system, it will still be sitting inside your household pipe network. To prevent this, don’t pour fats or oils down the sink. Instead, all cooking fats should be poured into a container and disposed of in the rubbish.

If you have a blocked kitchen drain, try:

1. Boiling Water

Pouring boiling water down your drain should be your first course of action when your drain becomes clogged. Boiling water can break down and dissolve the blockage. However, only use boiling water if your pipes are metal or ceramic. If you have PVC pipes, boiling water may cause joints to loosen – you don’t want another problem on your hands!

2. Vinegar and Baking Soda

White vinegar and baking soda is a natural cleaning solution that has stood the test of time. In fact, your great-grandmother probably used it to unblock a kitchen drain or two in her day! Pour baking soda into the blocked drain, followed by half a cup of white vinegar. Promptly cover the drain. The reaction between the vinegar and baking soda produces oxygen that scours the inside of pipes and clears them out – including any blockages! You can repeat the process several times, until the blockage has passed. Finish by flushing the drain with hot water.

3. Use a Plunger

Nothing beats a bit of elbow grease! The adage definitely holds true when it comes to unclogging your drain. If no liquid can pass the blockage, it’s time to pull out the plunger. Start by removing any metal strainers from the drain opening. Then, fill your sink to halfway with water and place the plunger over the drain opening. Ensure that any overflow spouts are covered before you begin. Use fast, sharp up-and-down plunges. The swift change in up/down pressure is effective in removing solid blockages.


How to clear a blocked shower drain

The most likely cause of a blocked shower drain is hair and soap residue build-up. Hair gets trapped in pockets, creating a dam that nothing can pass through.

Plunging the shower shouldn’t be the first line of defence, however. While using a plunger can loosen the blockage and allow water to flow through, if you have a large mass, it may simply reform if not cleared manually. In that case, you may have to resort to one of these methods.

1. Caustic Chemical Drain Cleaner

Drain cleaner can be purchased from your local supermarket or hardware store. The chemicals found in drain cleaners help dissolve common blockages caused by grease, hair, and/or food.

However, commercial drain cleaners may damage pipes if used too often. If you find yourself with a recurring blockage, you should get a professional to assess the cause.

Chemical drain cleaner should not be used on septic tank systems, which usually feature PVC pipes or components. If you have a septic tank, a biological drain cleaner should be used instead.

2. Biological Enzyme Cleaner

A biological cleaner uses “good” bacteria to break down things like hair and soap residue. It also dissolves odours in your drain and while being safe for the environment and the user. It can be used for kitchen blockages or bathroom blockages, as it will attack fats and oils as well as hair. A gentle, nontoxic solution is the only one you should use if you have a septic tank system (see above).

3. Hand-Operated Drain Snake

A drain snake is a long, spiralled steel wire that can be manipulated to snare and remove debris. Drain snakes can be purchased from most hardware stores and are relatively inexpensive. A drain snake can bend around your drainpipe until reaches the clog. Once you’re up against the blockage, twist and move the drain snake around to dislodge the problem material.


How to clear a blocked toilet

Toilet blockages usually occur when tampons, pads, nappies, or dental floss is flushed. The wastewater system and pipes can’t flush these items very far without them getting stuck, and no amount of chemical drain cleaner or plunging will remove them.

Prevention is better than a cure: Only the three Ps (pee, poo, and paper) should ever be flushed.

Plunging is your best option to begin with, followed by a biological or chemical drain cleaner. If neither of those clear the blockage, call a plumber. Dealing with what may be blocking your toilet can be a health hazard, best left to the professionals!


Professional help clearing a blocked drain

In some instances, DIY drain unblocking is not enough. If your drain remains blocked, you may want to consider a professional drain unblocking service.

Envirovac offers a range of services to remedy clogged drains quickly. CCTV drain inspection can quickly identify the source of a blockage, which can then be dislodged using high-pressure hydro flushing. Our vacuum truck will then suck up any debris or residue so that nothing is left in your pipes or the wastewater system.

Top Five Tips For Managing Your Grease Traps

Grease traps are essential for every restaurant and commercial kitchen, and taking good care of them is crucial for the comfort of your workers and customers. Built with the purpose of stopping fats, oils and grease from entering water and sewer lines, they’re fundamental in helping your business operate in tip-top shape. However, failure to regularly and thoroughly clean your grease traps can create major hassles for any commercial kitchen. To avoid the stress of dealing with a clogged grease trap, be sure to keep the following top five tips in mind.

1. Regularly inspect your grease trap

Since your grease traps prevent fats, oils and grease (FOG) from entering your sewer lines and getting into your septic tanks, they are your most important line of defence. Should FOG be able to enter your systems, it will solidify and cause an obstruction that can result in a sewage back-up. This is very unhygienic and can lead your business to being shut down immediately. Therefore, it is critical to regularly check that your grease traps are functioning correctly. It is much easier and safer to manage regular checks, rather than a nasty blockage of grease in your sewer lines.

2. Have a proper maintenance routine carried out by professionals

To avoid serious issues, it is best to have your grease traps cleaned and maintained by professionals. To keep them in a good working order and to prevent any blockages, we recommend scheduling professional maintenance every 1-2 months. An uncleaned grease trap is also a dangerous fire hazard, as a full grease trap can easily catch fire and spread quickly. Remember that you should always keep a comprehensive record of all cleaning and maintenance and if you’re in doubt or have any concerns, you should always consult an expert.

3. Train your staff to correctly dispose of food

Training your staff on the correct disposal of food can also help your grease traps operate to a high standard. Having your staff remove as much waste and food solids from plates, pans and pots will help ensure that solids aren’t caught up in your grease traps. Keep in mind that the grease trap is only for FOG and not for all food waste.

4. Check that all sinks are connected to the trap

Always check that all the sinks in your restaurants kitchen is connected to the grease trap, including food prep and wash sinks. This will make sure that all the grease is collected correctly and that there is no chance of it seeping into other lines.

5. Never pour chemicals, bleach, additives or drain cleaners down the trap

If you think your grease trap is blocked or that there is something obstructing its operation, do not try to rectify the problem by pouring chemicals down it. This will not solve the problem but rather destroy the traps natural bacteria and will do more harm than good. Instead, you need to get in contact with a professional who can provide the correct advice and expert solutions.

Keeping these top tips in mind, you can ensure the health and safety of your employees and customers. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the cleaning and maintenance of your grease traps, you can contact our expert team here.

The top five reasons your drain is blocked

While a clogged pipe or a blocked drain may seem like a minor issue, it can quickly escalate into a major problem if not dealt with immediately. Leaving a blocked drain can lead to slow water drainage, corrosion, flooding, and in serious cases sewage backup and expensive repairs. Prevention is key when it comes to stopping blocked drains, and prevention starts with recognising what’s causing the issues in the first place. Below are the top five reasons your drain could be blocked.

1. Hair

One of the main culprits for drain blockages is hair, as it can bind with grease and other sticky substances to form large clogs. No matter what kind of hair, it always has a way of gradually building up in your drains. Failure to nip this in the bud can lead to huge problems, as clogged hair will prevent water from passing freely in your pipes. Luckily there are certain tools and devices available on the market that can prevent hair from building up.

2. Food Waste

It is best to note that food waste should never go down the drain. While you may have a garbage disposal in your sink, you are better to set up a composting pile to get rid of your waste, as food scraps can also clog your drains. In particular, you should also be cautious of grease and oils as they can solidify inside your pipes. Absorbing your oils with paper towels and throwing them away in the compost will help keep your drains blockage-free.

3. Toiletries

Toiletries can be a huge problem. Anything from baby wipes, nappies, ear buds and feminine hygiene products can all block your drains. Most of these items become greatly swollen when immersed in water, as they are highly absorbent. Unlike toilet paper, they cannot disintegrate easily when being flushed down the toilet and will therefore get stuck in your pipes.

4. Tree Roots

If you have a small crack or leak in your pipe, it can start to attract tree roots as they search for water. Once they’ve reached the inside of your pipes they can quickly grow larger and will obstruct water flow and can cause pipe damage, resulting in costly repairs. Cleaning tree roots from your pipes needs to be done by a professional as it can be quite a complex process. To prevent blockages from tree roots it is best to keep your trees watered so that they don’t seek out your pipes as a source of moisture.

5. Foreign Objects

Sometimes random items can easily and unintentionally be dropped down the drain. For example, it could be any object or materials like soap or even jewellery. It may often be small children flushing anything they can get their hands on, including toys! Most of the time it can be something odd, but as to be expected, these objects will lead to the problem of a blocked drain.

Being mindful of these top five causes of a blocked drain will help prevent future blockages. If you think you may have a blocked drain or damage to your pipes, you should always contact an expert for professional advice. At Envirovac, we’ll help you inspect your drains using CCTV drain inspection cameras to get a closer look at the problems affecting the insides of your drains. To find out more about how we can help click here.

Tips to keeping your water tank healthy year-round

Rainwater tanks are low maintenance not no maintenance!

If you want to ensure your water supply is fresh and uncontaminated year round then you need to undertake some simple maintenance tasks on your tank.

There are a lot of potential contaminants that can get into your tank water and most of them come from your gutters from leaf litter, dirt, and bird or possum faeces.

Here is a list of what can contaminate your tank water:

Animal or bird faeces entering at the source of the supply. These can carry harmful germs such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Campylobacter, Salmonella, E.coli 0157 and viruses. All these germs can cause serious illness.

Bird, possum or other animal droppings on the roof or dead animals and insects in the gutters or tank itself.

Leaves, soil, and other debris entering the tank.

Lead flashing on the roof causing high lead levels in the collected water.

Cracks or holes in partially buried tanks.

To maintain good pH levels in your tank water, it is best to start with keeping your gutters clean and clear. Cleaning out the gutters is a simple way to improve the water quality and the efficiency of the tank.

A study on contaminated water tanks showed that 4 percent of tested households that were contaminated had faecal matter in the gutters, while 31 percent of sites inspected were found to have half or completely full gutters.

So if you want to prevent this leaf litter and dirt ending up in your tank it is worth installing gutter meshing.

Mozzie mesh – check it every 3 months

A rainwater tank is a great place for mosquitoes and other pests to thrive.

Tanks reviewed in a recent study showed 91.1 percent had mosquito meshing, but more than 10 percent were in a condition that would allow pests or vermin into the tank.

Check your water quality – every 6 months

A majority of households use rainwater for the toilet or the washing machine so cleanliness of the water is less important. However, for those properties that use the water for showers, drinking or cooking, checking the water is crucial.

A comprehensive water test will cost on average around $200.

Check your pump– every 6 months

The condition of the pumps and outlets will affect the quality of the water and the efficiency of how the household can access and use the water. A well-maintained system can also protect against long-term damage.

A recent report on tank waters in NZ found that in homes with pumps installed, 5 percent were not functioning and 18 percent of properties inspected were reported to have leaky pipes.

When It’s time to de- sludge – It’s time to call us!

Water contamination can cause serious illness (diarrhoea and vomiting), which can be particularly dangerous for infants, the elderly or people with damaged immune systems.
We recommend that your tanks get sediment removed every two to three years.

healthy water tank

You probably don’t want to be dealing with this water yourself!

So speak to us at Envirovac if your water is starting to smell, look discoloured or there are unexplained tummy bugs in your household.

Contact the team now.

What to do during and after a flood

Before a flood:

If you have any electrical equipment on the floor such as heaters, stereos or TV’s etc. place them on higher objects or raise them so they aren’t touching the floor.
If you have time, construct barriers (beams or floodwalls) to stop any floodwater from entering your home.
For insurance purposes take photos of your home for some ‘before’ shots, if required for when making an insurance claim.
Take any valuable items you have with you when evacuating your home.
Bring in any outdoor furniture and move essential items to an upper floor or higher ground.
Switch off all utilities at the main switches and disconnect all electrical appliances. DO NOT TOUCH ANY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IF YOU ARE WET OR STANDING IN WATER.

During a flood:

To stay updated listen to the radio for current news or keep an eye on the TV’s if you have access to one.
Flash flooding can occur at any time, so if there is a possibility of a flash flood, move quickly to higher ground instead of waiting for instructions.
Be cautious of streams, drains and other areas known to flood quickly. Flash floods can happen in these areas without warning, so it is best to avoid at all cost.
Stay indoors on higher ground and avoid driving.
Avoid walking through moving water. Six inches of moving water can make you fall onto something that you cannot see under the water.

After a flood:

Stay away from floodwaters that could be contaminated by oil, gasoline or sewage.
Avoid drowned power lines and report them to a power company. This could electrically charge the water so it’s best to stay away.
Return to your home only when authorities have given the clear.
Be very cautious when entering building because there could be hidden damages, especially in the foundations.

Flood facts:

A foot of water can float many vehicles.
Six inches of floodwater will reach the bottom of most passenger cars, which means you can loose control and possibly stall.
Two feet of rushing water is strong enough to sweep away most vehicles.

Tips to prepare your gutters for winter maintenance

Gutters are low maintenance not no maintenance!

Winter is the time of year when blocked gutters come into full force from leave blockage, ice from storms clogging and gutter damage from snow. Everyone knows the most evident signs of a blocked gutter is water running over the edge or even flooding inside your home!
These are the damages you can see; however there are some damages that you cant see and can become problematic over time, costing you a lot in future repairs. To avoid this, investing in gutter maintenance is your best option.

Maintaining your gutter

Sure, nobody wants to clean their own gutters, which is why you can hire experts like us to take out the hassle. However, there are a lot of people who would rather roll up their sleeves and get the job done themselves.

To get started, it is best to ask how you are going to access your gutters safely?

If you’re climbing up a ladder make sure you are on a levelled surface and that the ladder is secured at the bottom. Before you start emptying your gutters, make sure that before you climb up you have all the right equipment needed, so that you don’t have to go back and forth getting things.

Basic tips for cleaning:

Wear gloves so you don’t cut your hands and get infections from the dirt or sludge.
Have a container that sits on the roof so you can scoop the debris into it.
Start with small sections so that you aren’t overreaching.
If you have internal brackets, you can push the dirt out from underneath rather than trying to hook it out from underneath the bracket.
Do your best not to wash the debris down the downpipe – if you have water tank it will pay to disconnect the downpipes temporarily.

Keep in mind that cleaning the gutters is a short-term solution, so it should be carried out often because they will start to clog up again. If you need any help or have any questions, get in contact with our team at Envirovac and we can easily help.